ABOUT AMY HENDELAmy Hendel is a popular and recognizable medical and lifestyle reporter, nutritionist, Health Coach, health host, brand ambassador and health media consultant. She is author of The 4 Habits of Healthy Families and Fat Families Thin Families. She can be seen hosting What's for Lunch, Food Rescue, and Simple Smoothies online, and as a guest expert on shows that include Today, The Early Show, Marie, Access Hollywood Live, The 700 Club, and other news and talk shows nationwide. Amy has helped to frame a number of health campaigns, hosting for companies including Kraft, Nutrilite, Dial, 3M, Pfizer, NBC, Florida Orange Juice, and United Soybean Board......(Read more)
LATEST NEWSSeptember 6 - 13, 2024: Current Health News: Alcohol - Dementia risk rises with "any amount" (MNT)....Kate Middleton reaches cancer treatment milestone (MNT).....Blood pressure lowering also lowers dementai risk (MDEdge).....Non-hormonal treatment options may ease menopausal symptoms (MDEdge)....Simple blood test may predict cancer risk in type 2 diabetes (MDEdge)......Last week's health news; Surgeon removes liver instead of spleen, patient dies on table (MedPageToday).....Up to 1 in 5 cases of dementia may be due to vision impairment (MedPageToday)....Teen vaping hits 10 year low in US (MedPageToday).....RSV vaccines show high effectiveness at limiting hospitalizations for older adults (MedPageToday)......Depression tied to earliest Alzheimer's pathology (MedPageToday).....